
An easy-to-use clean, modern blog using MDX to add and update content. Using GatsbyJS and available within their starters library

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Built using: GatsbyJS / ReactJS

Koop is a Gatsby static website developed for bloggers who are looking for a stylish, easy to manage web application that allows them to post content regularly. 

Koop takes advantage of the powerful tools at a developers disposal when it comes to creating a Gatsby website. The blogging template benefits from great Google Page Speed scores on both mobile devices and desktop, while maintaining classy animations and high-quality imagery throughout.

Instead of using a fully-equipped, heavyweight content management system, Koop uses MDX. This ensures it remains a lightweight application and keeps content editing all in one place, its GitHub repository.

If you’re looking at getting started with Gatsby, Koop is a great template to use. It uses a minimal amount of plugins to ensure developers who are new to the platform are not overwhelmed with top-level features. Koop purely focuses on the basics, which is delivering great looking content on mobile devices, as fast as possible.

For those looking for a brand-new blog template, Koop is maintained under open source and is available for use on personal website projects at the Gatsby Starter Library.

How the website will look when viewed on a Macbook
An example of the Koop branding on business cards
An iMac displaying the Koop website